Watchbird has been selected as a partner in the Hacking 4 Allies (H4A) 2023/24 program cycle.
H4A is a collaborative innovation program between the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), Innovation Norway and the global BMNT Inc. – supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy and its Defense Attaché Office, the Norwegian General Consulate in San Francisco, and the Norwegian-American Defense Industry Council (NADIC).
H4A sources problems common to both the U.S. and Norwegian national security and defense and uses Hacking 4 Defense (H4D) methodology to help Norwegian technology start-ups address these problems. This is achieved through training & coaching, connection with the problem owner (end users), iterative problem-solving techniques, and introductions to relevant investor-, acquisition- and R&D communities in the U.S.
For more information go to FFI web page: