The history behind the modern “canary”.

Well into the 20th century, coal miners brought canaries into coal mines as an early-warning signal for toxic gases, primarily carbon monoxide. During World War 1, the Allied forces expanded the use of canaris into the trenches of the western front. The birds, being more sensitive, would become sick before the miners and soldiers, who would then have a chance to escape or put on protective respirators. The last of the traditional canaries retired from active duty in 1990s. Watchbird® is introducing the new “canary” for the 21st century.

Watchbird® mini multi-sensor concept

Technological approach

For early warning, identification, diagnosis, protection and rapid communication of CBRN threats. The sensor alerts of an immediate threat and facillitates the individual soldier and troops units to implement early protective measures against CBRN exposure on the battlefield.


Watchbird® will develop, produce and deploy mini multi-sensors and equipment carried by personnel giving early warning, identification, diagnose, protection and rapid communication of CBRN exposure to the team and the command center, to protect and improve military performance and ensure operational capability.
To our knowledge, no other companies occupies this space addressed by Watchbird®

The close collaboration between the Norwegian Armed Forces, FFI (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment) and Watchbird® will provide an unique understanding and insight into operational needs, applied R&D and preferred solutions implemented in today’s and future defence operations.

When weapons of mass destruction are deployed, early detection, warning, rapid communication and protection is significantly more efficient in order to save lives by avoiding exposure, rather than later evacuation and medical treatment of exposed military personnel and civilians.

SAFEgaiter® - Protection

In addition to providing the traditional facemask benefits of camouflage and protection from harsh climate conditions like frost bites and sun burns – the Watchbird® SAFEgaiter® is an optimized respiratory protection gear against airborne health risk hazards like smoke, smog, dust and various emissions.

  • High filtration efficiency

  • Low inward and outward leakage

  • Excellent breathability

  • Comfortable wearing and personalised fit

  • Large filter area prevents heat and moist build-up

  • No external filters

  • Washable

“Humans are more important than hardware, speaks to our center of gravity and our #1 Enterprise Priority - our People. Our Force and families are USSOCOM´s comparative advantage. Our People are the reason we "win". In support of current and future mission successes, we will recruit, assess, select, educate, train, diversify, equip and transform our innovative and groundbreaking team”

USSOCOM Preservation of the Force and Family (POTFF) document - 4/20/2021

Watchbird® SAFE Sensor Concept

SAFE Sensor – Detection

Watchbird® SAFE is a Human Performance Program (HPP) to support, identify, monitor, warn, protect and communicate individual health risk exposure from different activities like breaching with high explosives or firing of heavy handheld weapons.

The SAFE Concept utilizes Sensor technology to increase the awareness of health risks, by introducing fact-based thresholds for risk exposure, combined with real-time risk monitoring to provide early warning to the individual soldier on his health risk status. This information is crucial to prevent injuries and need for medical treatment.

This answers one of the most difficult tasks in HPP; How to mitigate operational risks versus impact to the individual operator´s health status.

Photo: Norwegian Armed Forces

Watchbird® CBRN Sensor Concept

CBRN Sensor – Detection

The Watchbird® CBRN mini multi-sensor will be a flexible capability which may be utilized in different ways where armed forces can be exposed to CBRN threats or other air pollution agens. The small sensor can be attached to individual soldiers, to vehicles, equipment, drones, and be deployed in the terrain etc. The CBRN mini multi-sensor will include robust and secure long-range communication technology, and will have a fully automatic detection and warning algorithm. It will be low weight, properly capsulated and designed according to military requirements. The battery will have a long life and standby capacity.

The network topology is typically MESH technology where soldiers are automatically notified by the sensor to sensor messaging where sensors receive and relay alarms in a chain reaction.

All Watchbird® sensors will be developed through extensive use of commercial technology tailored for meeting military – and civilian – requirements. Open architecture is key to interconnect and to be compliant with the various communication systems and battery technologies already implemented by national and allied military forces - as well as the different standards used in the civilian markets.